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Image Processing & Computer Vision with Python
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Week 0 (4 hours) FREECourse Introduction18 Topics
0.01 Welcome to the course
0.02 Course Structure
0.03(a) What is Computer Vision?
0.03(b) Computer Vision Sub Domains
0.04 Computer Vision Vs Image Processing
0.05 About Opencv & learning resources
0.06 Resources to learn Python
0.07 Anaconda & Why we need Virtual Environments
0.08 Installing Anaconda and checking it
0.09 Creating Python Scripts and running it
0.10 How to use a Jupyter notebook
0.11 Installing Opencv and testing it
0.12 Troubleshooting Installation problems
0.13 Downloading Files in the working directory
0.14 How to Solve Programming Errors
0.15 Using Google Colab
0.16 (Optional but recommended) Creating a Virtual Environment & Installing Jupyter notebook
0.17 (Optional) Installing OpenCV from Source
0.01 Welcome to the course
Week 1 (5 hours) FREEPython Crash Course8 Topics|1 Quiz
Introduction To The Week
1.00 Download Code
1.01 Datatypes, Variables, Strings, Printing
1.02 Input, Eval, Lists, Dict
1.03 Booleans, tuples, sets, operators, Conditional statements
1.04 Loops, Enumerate, List Comprehension
1.05 Functions, Lambda, Map, Filter, Methods
1.06 Interospection, Try-Except, Help, Import, OOP
Introduction To The Week
Numpy Crash Course3 Topics|1 Quiz
Week 2 (8 hours) FREEOpencv Basics13 Topics|1 Quiz
Introduction To The Week
2.00 Download Code
2.01 Opencv Fundamentals
2.02 Imshow, Resizing, Imwrite & Conditional Exit
2.03 Drawing Shapes & Text On Image
2.04 Working with Videos
2.05 Using Mouse & Trackbar
2.06 Manipulating Image ROI & Channels
2.07 Image Addition, Resizing & Blending
2.08 Making an Image Transition Application
2.09 Replacing ROIs & Transparent Images
2.10 Bitwise Operations & Basic Thresholding
2.11 Overlaying Logo With Removed Background
Introduction To The Week
Week 3 (6 hours) FREEImage Processing Pt 113 Topics|1 Quiz
Introduction To The Week
3.00 Download Code
3.01 Brightness & Contrast Enhancement
3.02 Advance Thresholding
3.03 Image Filtering & Convolution
3.04 Blurring Methods
3.05 Cartoonify Photos
3.06 Color Spaces & Color Models Theory
3.07 Segmenting Colored Objects
3.08 Image Gradients
3.09 Edge Detection with First & Second Order Derivatives
3.10 Canny Edge Detector Theory
3.11 Canny Edge Detector in OpenCV
Introduction To The Week
Week 4 (6 hours)Image Processing Pt 214 Topics|1 Quiz
Introduction To The Week
4.00 Download Code
4.01 Morphological Operations
4.02 Blur Detection
4.03(a) Haar Cascades Theory
4.03(b) Haar Cascades, Face & Eye Detection
4.04 Cat, Car & Pedestrian Detection With Optimization
4.05 Histograms
4.06 Histogram Equalization
4.07 Histogram Backprojection
4.08 Finding Dominant Color in Image
4.09 LookUpTables & Gamma Correction
4.10 ColorMaps
4.11 Advance Color Adjustment
Introduction To The Week
Week 5 (12 hours)Image Processing Pt 314 Topics|1 Quiz
Introduction To The Week
5.00 Download Code
5.01 Geometric Transformations
5.02 Image Pyramids
5.03 Pyramid Blending
5.04 Seamless Cloning
5.05 Facial Cloning
5.06 Blob Detection
5.07 Contours
5.08 Contours, More Functions
5.09 Contour Analysis
5.10 Static Background Subtraction
5.11 Smart Background Subtraction
5.12 Car detection with Background Subtraction
Introduction To The Week
Week 6 (6 hours)Classical Vision Applications7 Topics
Week 7 (7 hours)GUI Automation, Segmentation & Hough Transforms10 Topics|1 Quiz
Introduction To The Week
7.00 Download Code
7.01 Template Matching
7.02 GUI Automation with PyAutoGUI
7.03 Making Computer Vision Game Bots
7.04 Image Inpainting
7.05 Image Segmentation with GrabCut Algorithm
7.06 Image Segmentation with Watershed Algorithm
7.07 Hough Transforms
7.08 Hough Lines & Circles
Introduction To The Week
Week 8 (5 hours)Feature Detectors & Descriptors11 Topics|1 Quiz
Introduction To The Week
8.00 Download Code
8.01 What Are Image Features?
8.02 Corner Detection
8.03 Feature Detectors & Descriptors In OpenCV
8.04 ORB (Object Oriented FAST & Rotated BRIEF) Theory
8.05 Feature Matching
8.06 Real Time Image Classification With Feature Matching
8.07 Real Time Object Detection With Image Features
8.08 Creating A Panorama
8.09 Feature Based Image Alignment
Introduction To The Week
Week 9 (8 hours)Machine Learning9 Topics|1 Quiz
Introduction To The Week
9.00 Download Code
9.01 Introduction To Artificial Intelligence
9.02 Image Classification With AI, ML and DL
9.03 Histogram Of Oriented Gradients
9.04 Support Vector Machines (SVMS)
9.05 Image Classification With HOG + SVM
9.06 Custom ASL Classification
9.07 Pedestrian Detection With HOG+SVM
Introduction To The Week
Week 10 (5 hours)Object Tracking12 Topics|1 Quiz
Introduction To The Week
10.00 Download Code
10.01 Object Tracking Introduction
10.02 Meanshift & Camshift
10.03 Optical Flow Theory
10.04 Optical Flow In OpenCV
10.05 Modern Trackers In OpenCV
10.06 Object Tracking In OpenCV With Tracker API
10.07 Multiple Object Tracking In OpenCV
10.08 Comparing Different Trackers
10.09 Video Stabilization In OpenCV
10.10 Video Stabilization With Vidstab
Introduction To The Week
Week 11 (10 hours)Deep Learning16 Topics|1 Quiz
Introduction To The Week
11.00 Download Code
11.01 Deep Learning In OpenCV With DNN Module
11.02 Image Classification WIth DNN Module
11.03 Face Detection With DNN Module
11.04 SSD Based Object Detection
11.05 Object Detection With YOLO v3
11.06 Image Segmentation With Mask R-CNN
11.07 Age Detection
11.08 Gender Detection With DNN
11.09 Facial Expression Recognition
11.10 Image Colorization
11.11 Super Resolution With DNN
11.12 Neural Style Transfer
11.13 Human Body Pose Estimation With OpenPose
11.14 Hand Keypoint Detection
Introduction To The Week
Instructions For Getting Certificate Of Completion
Thank You2 Topics
Participants 242
Lesson 1, Topic 18
In Progress